
Bf help

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Bf help

Postby nic1 » Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:54 pm

Hi ladies,
Bit of background first for those not familiar with my story.
I have a 4 weeks 3 day old baby girl who is currently in scbu due to being born at 28+6.
I have been expressing but not getting much milk (20ml tops per express) and this is from double pumping.
I sometimes only get 10ml per double pump.
I'm slightly getting abit down now as I know my milk supply should be a lot more than this.
I think I probably should be drinking more, I'm eating reasonably well. I get up once in night to express.
Any suggestions to help me. I'm torn between really wanting to breast feed and giving up as I'm not producing much.
Darcy is now on a mix of my ebm, donar milk from scbu donar bank plus some premmie formula to boost her weight gain as she was slow to gain weight.
I do try her on the breast most days if I have cuddles but not always every day.
Thanks in advance

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Re: Bf help

Postby sim » Sun Mar 06, 2016 9:36 pm

You are doing so well Nic. I think the key is firstly, what do you want to do?

If you want to continue BF / expressing, can you have a pic of Darcy and maybe a muslin or something she has worn with you to help stimulate milk production? Make sure you are drinking plenty and your could try some galactalogue foods to help too.
Ultimately, the Drs can prescribe medications to help too

Kellymom is a good resource - lots of articles and other resources.

Wishing you both much love :cnthug:

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Re: Bf help

Postby ems101 » Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:14 pm

Really agree with sim, if its becoming too much, you already have enough to do, but if you want to keep trying, you are probably producing more than you're pumping. I couldnt pump anything much, but fed them fine.

I think I'd also try expert bf support. @clothsister is one, may be able to recommend one in your area. Xx

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Re: Bf help

Postby littlesez » Mon Mar 07, 2016 12:19 am

Her stomach is the size of a grape, so 20mls doesnt sound a lot but it is :) little and often is good. Keep expressing, you do have enough milk xxx

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Re: Bf help

Postby clothsister » Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:42 pm

@nic1 firstly congrats on your little one.

Please don't panic about how much you can express, it's tough and takes your body a while to adjust. If possible do skin to skin prior to pumping, if not watch a video of little one or look at photos, smell her blanket if she has one, anything that will increase the oxytocin (happy hormone)

Next up gallons and gallons of water, oats are incredible for supply, get some hob nobs and a cup of tea.

I express fed my lg for 12 weeks I found closing my eyes and imagining the milk coming out of me worked really well.

We have an awful way of trying to get "into a routine" with pumping. Throw that idea out of the window, if you feel a fizzy nipple, get on the pump or if you feel more full than normal again pump. I used to pump the. Rest for 5/10 mins then pump again, it really worked for me to take a break. It's a more natural way of expressing. If you watch a baby breastfeeding it won't latch on drink for 5 mins then latch off for 3 hours. Try and pump as often as possible between midnight and 5am, it's the time that your body is working out how much baby needs. If she is in Scbu it's really easy to ignore the expressing at these times but again mimic a breastfed baby, wake hourly pump, then pop the whole unit in the fridge so that you don't need to wash it, then an hour later pump again. You need to make your body think you need more milk. Lastly it wi take 3/4 days of constantly doing this before you'll notice a change but it works, I promise. I really struggled for a few weeks and used donor milk and some formula. By the end of it I donated 90oz of milk to help other mums.

There's a page called human milk for human babies.

Last bit, I will text you my mobile number. Any advice day or night text/call

Keep up the good work you are doing wonderfully xx

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Re: Bf help

Postby ems101 » Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:01 pm

:cnthug: Amazing advice @clothsister

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Re: Bf help

Postby nic1 » Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:58 am

Thanks guys, just seen this!!!
I think that's the think it's trying to get into a pump routine that is stressful not to mention the whole baby in scbu stress plus having other family at home too.
Will try these tips Clothsister.
I've got some Oatly drink both original & choc flavours) will also stock up on hobnobs!!

Much appreciated
Nic x

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Re: Bf help

Postby clothmama » Wed Mar 09, 2016 1:37 pm

I was going to suggest everything that clothsister said so won't repeat (sorry read and forgot to come back and answer you :doh: ! ). Please don't give up because it looks like you arent' getting anything. I could never express more than about 5mls with the first 2 boys and yet fed them until they were 1 and 2.5 years old! Also do you have pumps on the unit? We had really good ones in our NNU so mums could pump while watching baby sleep etc which is even better than looking at a photo :giggle:

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