Tots Bots Easyfit Version 2

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Tots Bots Easyfit Version 2

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:24 pm
by notsoyummymummy
Manufacturer : Tots Bots
Name of nappy : Easyfit version 2
Type of nappy : AIO, has a pocket which you can boost
Fastener : Velcro , colour coordinated
Material : Poly PUL outer, inner bamboo velour (like the stetch and flexitots) with bamboo and microfibre booster
Size : Birth to potty

Reliability : 8/10, will review this as I use it more
Absorbency : N/A
Cuteness : 10/10
Drying speed : 9/10 for an AIO
Slimness : 10/10-the slimmest nappy I have seen, only beaten by the flip
Value for money : 8/10, at nearly 18 quid for prints that's got to hurt a bit but still better than some that are out there

I bought two of these in cosmic and starburst from the Natural Baby Shower at £17.50 with free postage. I have to say I am really impressed. I do like AIOs and pockets for their convenience and this is a hybrid you can boost as much as you want although I don't think that's necessary unless you are out. It is very very slim and has a long booster that you fit into the pocket at the back. Without boosting it has lasted me 3 hours. Because you take the booster out,it dries relatively quickly. It took less than 24 hours on the airer and it wasn't even in the sun. This is much faster than the other AIOs I have used except for monkey doodlez.
I will review this once I have used it a few more times.


PostPosted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 2:38 pm
by *tinkerbellarella*
Manufacturer : Tots Bots
Name of nappy : Easyfit version 2
Type of nappy : AIO, has a pocket which you can boost
Fastener : Velcro , colour coordinated
Material : Poly PUL outer, inner bamboo velour (like the stetch and flexitots) with bamboo and microfibre booster
Size : Birth to potty

Reliability : 9/10
Absorbency : 9/10
Cuteness : 10/10 soooo cute!
Drying speed :n/a not dried yet
Slimness : 9/10 very slim for a aio
Value for money : 10/10 for something so slim, such lovely colours which WORKS i'm happy to pay 18 quid for one

i recieved a tots bots easyfit from fiona at totsbots in a giveaway, with cosmic stars on, was impressed right from the opening of the package! i've used the older easyfit and found them a pita, they stained, the outer was not so nice although colourful, they leaked for us and put me off aio's so much i went for wool and fitted nappies instead. this time i am blown away by how good these are! the pul outer is almost lycra feeling, very bright and cheerful, it did a full 3 hours from new and not pre washed, only halted by the usual toxic poo in a new nappy. i had used a liner, but the leg cuffs caught caught in the crossfire and i was expecting a nasty stain, cue my amazement as the poo came off with a gentle hose from my shower attatchment in the downstairs loo, it all came out! i use itti's too here for my baby boy, but this is my only true aio, and i think they are truly wonderful, really worth the money and come very highly reccommended, by me and T's bum!x


PostPosted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 7:43 pm
by CharlottesClan
Manufacturer : Tots Bots
Name of nappy : Easyfit version 2
Type of nappy : AIO, has a pocket which you can boost
Fastener : Velcro , colour coordinated
Material : Poly PUL outer, inner bamboo velour (like the stetch and flexitots) with bamboo and microfibre booster
Size : Birth to potty

Reliability : 10/10
Absorbency : 10/10
Cuteness : 8/10
Drying speed : 10/10
Slimness : 9/10
Value for money : 9/10 they are brilliant, but they are a tad on the expensive side

i have two of these i bought from Nappy Geek. they are fantastic AIOs they never leak on me, and they are ever so soft.
they do dry very very fast, as long as you pull the insert out, and flip in over on the dryer to expose both sides of the booster.

they have fixed the problem with the rise poppers coming undone easily as in the old version they sprang open quite often, and the leg gape is much less whilst not compromising on fit for chunky babies. they dont seem to stain, which is amaing, as dh put one on my teething son without a liner and it was covered from front to back and the leg casings too, but it all washed out without even a shadow, on a normal nappy wash i didnt do anything special. :shock:

they can be a bit gappy on the tummy tho, once your baby is walking, unless you do them up pretty tight. might just be my chunky legged mr tho :giggle:

ive only given a 8/10 for cuteness as in my opinion, there are far too many girls colours, even the one that is supposedly GN, doesnt look really very GN to me at all. 4 colours i think there are that are suitable for girls and just 2 for boys. this is disappointing but this does seem to be the trend atm. (BG's also a new girls colour) A couple of plain colored ones like a green or yellow would be nice, as well as the prints.

value for money. well they are pretty good for the money esp as they are btp. but i do feel that paying near £20 once postage is included is a bit pricey.

Re: Tots Bots Easyfit Version2

PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:29 am
by fivefourfour
Manufacturer: Tots Bots
Nappy Name: Easyfit
Type of Nappy: AIO, with pocket
Fastener: Applix
Material: PUL outer, bamboo velour inner with bamboo and microfibre booster
Size: BTP - 8lbs to 35lbs

Reliability: 9/10
Absorbancy: 10/10
Cuteness: 10/10
Drying Speed: 9/10
Slimness: 10/10
Value for money: 10/10

Overall Comment: Fabulous!

I love this nappy! The prints are gorgeous, and offer a range of looks with two dedicated girly prints, two for boys and two GN. TBH, a girl could wear all six prints, and my my husband and I have said that we would put a boy in five of them. Tots Bots also do this nappy in five bright colours (red, orange, green, yellow and blue) for North American market, but you can get them quite easily here too. The outer fabric is softer than most PUL and of very high quality. The applix (which is white or red depending on the choosen print) is well secured and doesn't rub Merry's tummy, unlike others we've tried.

It is without doubt the slimest nappy I have used, and yet has gone up to four hours with my fairly heavy wetter. The leg gussests are a great fit, and have coped with everything that has been thrown at it. I haven't had any worries about staining, as the fabric is great for quick poo release!

As the liner can be pulled out of the pocket the drying time is less than you might think. I don't think it's any longer than other AIOs or even AI2s. And despite being bamboo, because the fabric is velour it hasn't gone stiff in our hard water!

I think that this nappy offers great value for money - they are slim, absorbant and gorgeous nappies that will last from birth to potty with most babies.

Re: Tots Bots Easyfit Version 2

PostPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:23 am
by dunabwin
Re: Tots Bots Easyfit Version2

Manufacturer: Tots Bots
Nappy Name: Easyfit
Type of Nappy: AIO, with pocket
Fastener: Applix
Material: PUL outer, bamboo velour inner with bamboo and microfibre booster
Size: BTP - 8lbs to 35lbs

Reliability: 10/10
Absorbancy: 6/ 10
Cuteness: 7/10
Drying Speed: 9/10
Slimness: 10/10
Value for money: 7/10

I seem to be the only person that thinks there's something seriously up with this nappy. The fit is brilliant and its uber easy to use but I really think they got it backwards! The bamboo layer stays really wet next to my son's skin while the micro fibre layer underneath feels much drier. It doesn't leak or anything, it just seems to hold all the liquid on the surface. I've started using it with the insert folded over on top, rather than stuffed into the pocket and it works much better for me. Takes some of the ease out of the easyfit. also a little bit pricy methinks...
I love the prints but I think they're a bit limited for boys.

Re: Tots Bots Easyfit Version 2

PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:48 pm
by siany
Manufacturer : Tots Bots
Name of nappy : Easyfit version 2
Type of nappy : AIO, has a pocket which you can boost
Fastener : Velcro , colour coordinated
Material : Poly PUL outer, inner bamboo velour (like the stetch and flexitots) with bamboo and microfibre booster
Size : Birth to potty

Reliability : 10/10
Absorbency : 10/10
Cuteness : 9/10
Drying speed : 10/10
Slimness : 9/10
Value for money : 9/10

I am relatively new to cloth nappies but went for these nappies as I love the prints and thought they were cute and my sister had recommened me to the totbots brand.
My 23 month old has been wearing them over night and we haven't had any leaking compared to some of the other nappies we have used.
They have dried really quickly for me even if i have to hang them on the drier which for me is a massive bonus.
I do think there needs to be better prints for boys as most of them are very girly.
I love these nappies

Re: Tots Bots Easyfit Version 2

PostPosted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:19 pm
by smilinglou
Manufacturer : Tots Bots
Name of nappy : Easyfit version 2
Type of nappy : All in one with pocket :-? so can add extra booster
Fastener : Aplix
Material : Poly PUL outer, inner bamboo velour with bamboo and microfibre booster
Size : Birth to potty

Reliability : 7/10 only because of the liner issue (see below)
Absorbency : 10/10 but only with the extra booster
Cuteness : 7/10
Drying speed : 8/10 for an AIO
Slimness : 7/10 just because of the bulky look at the crotch and the puffiness, there are slimmer ones out there!

Value for money : Too expensive for what you get if you buy from shops but the 'seconds' from Bargainbots on Ebay are far more worthwhile and the fault only being the label sewn in slightly wrong place

Overall comment: Easy? and Fit? Get yourself a Tots Bots Pocket Tot instead, less work, less damp bums!

I do like these nappies and the improvements they so rightly made from the first version, I'm amazed how far cloth has come and find these and other nappies like these far more superior and give a far better performance than any disposable, the only 'leaking' I've ever had is where I left 'too tight' clothes over the nappies and this is any nappy in general not just these.

I love the different prints to these but can see how if I had a boy I'd be frustrated with the lack of boyish designs. I prefer the prints and whites to the 'brights' which aren't commonally sold in the UK as far as I know (again I got my bright from BargainBots on Ebay), the brights outer feels quite different, almost crunchy and is probably more likely to wick, plus they feel cheapy, this difference is too much of a difference in my eyes, you pay for an Easyfit because you've tried one and like but may end up with something that just isn't the same.

I love the simple clean look to these and I'm proud to have them in our stash even with the problems I've listed below, and I do enjoy how easy they are to put on and how they fit round my girl as I actually fit them onto her. These nappies would fit a large range of sized babies but please take note of the actual fit appearance of these nappies below.

I have used our brand new easyfits without prewashing and today one lasted with the additional booster for nearly 7 hours!! They are easy to use, quick to dry and if using just the pull out insert as you're meant to (see below 'Stay dry liner') they are easy to work with i.e. stuff insert, put in to wash etc.

Bad points for me:

No stay dry liner! I understand for some this is a positive thing but considering how many love Bumgenius and how great TotsBots pocketots are/were (they stopped doing them) they perhaps should have offered the choice.
The insert, I've thankfully been told, should be folded outwards rather than stuffed in the pocket as it is sold to do, so then the microfibre is on the outside on baby's bum rather than the bamboo. This is due to the fact that the bamboo becomes much more wet to the touch compared to the mf or you must add a fleece liner.
You begin to realise these nappies become a whole lot more work than just stuffing the insert or having one piece to put on/take off and to many this would be classed as a fault; as soon as you have to start tweaking and adapting the nappy for it to function the sooner you realise it has a big old problem and begin wanting the next version....I can just hear my husband saying in the background "Oh very clever Tots Bots; they have to make their money somehow" but many of the nappy companies seem to do the same.
So in a nutshell it's just not such an easy nappy anymore when you have a wriggling little one or are a childcarer/grandparent etc and have to make improvements and adaptations.

The pull out insert and booster; for some it may be a good thing but personally if I want an AIO I want an AIO. You have to stuff, or in my case align the underside of the pull out insert just right to fit in the nappy as a liner) for this nappy to be a nappy, and if you want it to actually last you need that extra booster; so extra work and sometimes extra shopping.
In my case I'd go for a true AIO (Bumgenius AIO for example) so it's a bit of a cheat to say it's a one piece nappy, then again this can also be a positive in the sense that it lasts forever. :wine:

The hanging, drooping effect of these nappies is another point for me, the same as the first version; yes they go on so well, yes they squidge down really well under the certain clothes but unless you have good firm jeans or trousers they droop and puff out under leggings, tights, thin trousers etc; other more 'hard firm feeling' nappies like Itti Bitti D Lish or Bambootys do a much better job of being 'slim' than these. I personally don't like the puffy look these give my babe. I would not say these are the slimest I've used so the fit part of the equation does start to go out the window, but again these nappies would fit a large range of sized babies so you can't have everything.

The major staining if any poo comes in to contact with that bamboo, again why did they not put the microfibre on the top, what's that I hear you say "bamboo has antibacterial properties" yes but very damp bums and nicely stained nappies don't make for very good environments unless your child enjoys nappy rash and you hate the nice clean nappy look.
The white easyfits still discolour very quickly, just like the first version.

This is a nappy I would recommend to a first time clother BUT it would be difficult to explain about using a liner and flipping up the pull out insert, these probably wouldn't be any good for newborns/tinies but most pockets/aio's aren't any good for the smallest ones and last but not least: for someone new to cloth the extra booster and pocket could be confusing; who needs to be anymore confused with different types: pockets/AIO's/fitted/liners......etc etc This just isn't a true AIO so take note nappy companies: please stop confusing people!! :wink:

Re: Tots Bots Easyfit Version 2

PostPosted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 6:45 pm
by nappiesofnorthdevon
Manufacturer : Tots Bots
Name of nappy : Easyfit version 2
Type of nappy : All in one with pocket so can add extra booster
Fastener : Aplix
Material : Poly PUL outer, inner bamboo velour with bamboo and microfibre booster
Size : Birth to potty

Reliability : 6/10
Absorbency : 10/10 but only with the extra booster
Cuteness : 10/10 (with the prints)
Drying speed : 7/10 for an AIO
Slimness : 10/10

Value for money: There are better AIO's out there...
Overall comment: Not for us, prefer Nature Babies Stuffables or Lollipop Popngro

My daughter leaks from this nappy really bad, for some reason all the wee seems to come out of the top of the nappy. I have tried adjusting the flip out booster thing so its facing the other way & also adjusting the rise but it still happens. I also do not like the fact it is not fleece lined, so much easier when you do not have to worry about a liner.

Its ok for a back up/changing bag nappy as it goes on easily I just don't find them as reliable as other nappies :wink:

Re: Tots Bots Easyfit Version 2

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:06 pm
by mummymunchkin
Manufacturer : Tots Bots
Name of nappy : Easyfit version 2
Type of nappy : AIO, has a pocket which you can boost
Fastener : Velcro , colour coordinated
Material : Poly PUL outer, inner bamboo velour (like the stetch and flexitots) with bamboo and microfibre booster
Size : Birth to potty

Reliability : 6/10
Absorbency : 6/10
Cuteness : 9/10
Drying speed : 3/10
Slimness : 9/10
Value for money : 8/10

If I had written this review soon after my baby was born it possibly would have scored top marks, and they are undoubtedly a huge improvement on the V1s. The Easyfit V2 was the first of our birth to potties that fitted him as a newborn and provided a good fit too. Provided enough absorbency and we loved it. However as the months have passed, these nappies just dont hold up absorbency wise for us anymore, they are now one of our least reliable nappies and I am forced to only use them around the house or if I know im going to be able to change frequenty. We get leaks very often with the Easyfits.

The prints are very cute, the aplix is strong (although Im not a fan of aplix in general) and they are nice and slim fitting. Whether they will last to training im not sure as we had to go to the largest size setting at just 7 months.

I also prefer nappies with a suedecloth or fleece lining built in so we dont need to bother with seperate liners. We have to use liners with these are the bamboo gets very wet next to the skin. Drying time is also slow compared to our pockets.

Overall a decent nappy but would expect better reliability for a bamboo.