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more fluff pics

by emmalala on Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:19 pm

a UD, 2 WNNL one ooga print, a Muttaquin and super brite wrap, shortie that were a fiver on the left with a t-shirt from adams that matches and set from the nappy garden on the right.
Im now addicted to wool!!!
0 Comments Viewed 98914 times

bad week :-(

by g murphy on Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:22 pm
Well where to begin?

My nan and step grandad live in a little mountain village in spain ( http://mapq.st/hYIzg8 ) They have lived there for about 10 years now and have stayed very active up to the past few weeks.
My nan has had a few bad kidney infections in the past few weeks and has been sent to a&e 3 weeks ago ( where within 4 hours she was seen, had CT and ultrasound scans, Xrays and blood and urine tests and got...

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3 Comments Viewed 10766 times

I should really be in bed but...

by frankie_n_baby on Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:25 pm
Dh has had an email from an academic acquaintance about a job at the uni of York, which has just come joint top in the country for biology, (and 8th in the country generally, only one below where he is now) and which seems tailor-made. He's thinking of applying, since there's nothing to lose.
I am psyched that I finally got to speak to my mw and sort out my next appointment, given that I've not been seen by anyone for 10 weeks, and that the consultant didn't tell me to make...

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9 Comments Viewed 157096 times

Nothing to report

by 0_Lisa_0 on Fri Jul 02, 2010 7:28 pm
OK, so to be quiet honest this is pointless blog but you have to keep in the habit with these things. Life has become monotonous and boring and there is NOTHING going on. The nurses at the hospital are being useless so we have no idea what is going on with OH's cancer as they CBA to go on their computer and find his results for us, so now we wait :roll: ...

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0 Comments Viewed 201828 times

Positive sleep thoughts...

by Slebro on Mon Jan 30, 2012 10:26 pm
After getting into an absolute tizz over sleep, and feeling like a complete failure for not getting my ds to sleep through (or even for more than an hour or so at a time :roll: ), today I don't care :shock: . A shock to not care about my son's sleep, I'm sure you'll all agree, but I've decided I...

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0 Comments Viewed 63350 times