Well, it looks like I've caught the tummy bug ethans had over the past 48 hours. Have been poorly for the past 2 hours now! Dp will go to work so I will have to cope on my own with ethan! (Deep joy). Will post again when I feel better.
Ok....so I have a lot of stuff I need to sort out /get/do before this baby arrives so I thought I would start a list here. 1) move house. 2) decorate the babys room. 3) cut/blackout line and make the curtains for his bedroom. 4) buy more yarn, and get more yarn dyed up to match the wahm tshirts I've already bought or have coming. 5) Get newborn soakers knitted by someone. ...
I've never done this before but thought I would give it a go. Mine will be an as and when kind of blog, recording some feelings/events ect and stuff I need to focus on or sort out whilst things are so hectic in my life. Can't promise I will write anything interesting but every now and again I will try!